
Marc Noppen
CEO, UZ Brussels
He is the CEO of the UZ Brussels University Hospital, an institution with almost 4,000 employees. He has over 20 years of clinical and academic experience, with studies in Pharmacoeconomics (University of Antwerp) and Strategic Management and Governance (INSEAD). As the leader of an elite medical and university institution, he is primarily concerned with effective crisis management.
Bart Haex
Director of Strategy, EIT Health
He has been advising the Flemish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Economy and has been instrumental in setting up public-private institutions at a regional, national and international level, such as Leuven Health Technology Center and EIT Health. As a professor at Maastricht University, he is focused on valorisation of research. He obtained an MBA (Vlerick Business School) and joined EIT Health, as Director of Strategy and later as Director of Business Development (Belgium-Netherlands).
Marc Peeters, MD, PhD
CEO, The Antwerp University Hospital
Dr. Peeters is a board member of the Flemish Society of Gastroenterology and a member of several medical societies, including: the Belgian Group of Digestive Oncology, the Belgian Society of Medical Oncology, the European Society of Medical Oncology, the American Society for Clinical Oncology and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer.
Mariana Svirchuk
Executive Director, Lviv Territorial Medical Union
Mariana Svirchuk is the Executive Director of Lviv Territorial Medical Union, a health system that comprises three emergency hospitals, two for adults, St. Panteleimon's Hospital and St. Luke's Hospital, and one for children St. Nicholas Hospital. Mrs. Svirchuk also has an important role as part of The National Rehabilitation Center "Unbroken", where adults and children affected by the war receive comprehensive qualified medical care: reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, robotic prosthetics and emergency care.
Pascal Garel
Chief Executive, The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation HOPE
HOPE gathers 38 national organisations from 30 European countries, covering around 80% of the hospital sector but also other health and social services. Mr. Garel has been actively involved in mechanisms of decision in the hospital sector on various issues including research, hospital management, quality and patient safety development for more than twenty years, at hospital level, in national, European and international contexts. His main professional background is healthcare management and EU law.
Marco Elefanti
General Director, The Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation
Professor of Business Administration at Catholic University in Milan, Professor of Planning and Control in Health Care Organizations and Services Management within the Public Administration Division of Bocconi School of Management and Research Fellow at CeRGAS (Centre for Research on Healthcare Management) within Bocconi University, Milan.
Gustaf Josefson
Councilor, The Region Västra Götaland
Responsible for providing healthcare to just short of 2 mn inhabitants. Gustaf has previously been chairman of the board at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, one of Sweden's and Europe's largest hospitals. He comes from a background as a senior management consultant focusing on public organizations and performance augmentation.
Ștefan Constantinescu
President, The Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at Université catholique de Louvain, de Duve Institute and Member of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Brussels, Belgium. He is a Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and of the Romanian Academy. He is an MD and PhD that has received postdoctoral training in molecular cell biology with Prof. Harvey F. Lodish at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA as a fellow of the Medical Foundation Boston and of the Anna Fuller Fund (1995-2000).
Riccardo Corridori
Environmental, Health and Safety Affairs Senior Manager, COCIR
At COCIR, the European association of manufacturers of radiological, radiotherapy and healthcare IT industry, Riccardo’s main focus is to help companies to navigate the complex EU legislation on chemicals and to work with EU institutions and national regulators to ensure that new legislative initiatives are proportionate and fit for the specific needs of the sector, supporting investment in R&D of new medical technologies and ensuring the availability of critical devices for patients.